Raw Honey
2024 was a very dry year in central Ohio. Spring time was great for the bees - then a drought started. Not much honey was extracted from the hives during the summer or fall. No rain + no blossoms = no excess honey.
We'll see how the bees do this coming winter as all honey they produced was left on the hives to help them get through the winter months.
The bees were also very angry this year as they would be out flying and there was very little blooming for them to get nectar from. Fortunately we have a natural spring at our home which produces a creek and the bees were loving the water so that kept many of them occupied. Our 2nd property has lakes and creeks so the bees had plenty of water.
(A good way to help the bees is to place a bird bath with sponges in the water for the bees to land on - bees LOVE water and need it for their hives.)
Whenever we were out and about on our proprerties if we were wearing any type of colored clothing the bees wanted to check us out and then become angry when we were not a flower or plant. Bees make a different buzzing sound if they are not happy that we could hear!
So, it was a very poor honey crop this year and we'll see what next year brings as the bees need to survive the winter.
Raw Honey - this honey has not been heated. Raw Honey that we sell include raw bamboo honey, raw clover honey, raw goldenrod honey, raw linden (basswood) honey, raw locust (acacia honey) honey, and raw wildflower honey. Click the raw honey picture below to see our varieties of raw honey.
Read more about our honey varieties!
We DO NOT HEAT our raw honey. Our raw honey is not heated or highly filtered. Raw honey contains bits of wax, pollen and propolis. All of our honey is 100% pure U.S. honey - there is no blending or alteration done to any of our honey!
Crystallized honey will always be lighter than the liquid version! It's the nature of honey - when a variety crystallizes it becomes lighter.
Raw honey is right from the hive! If you wish to order honey that has been filtered, please see our Honey Page.
Simply click on any honey picture below to see sizes and pricing for each variety of honey.

Raw Clover
comes off the hives mid summer

Raw Goldenrod
comes off the hives in the fall

Raw Linden / Raw Basswood
comes off the hives in the summer

Raw Locust / Raw Acacia Honey
comes off the hives in early May

Raw Orange Blossom Honey
comes off the hives in the Spring

Raw Wildflower Honey
comes off the hives throughout the season

Comb Honey
comes off hives in the late summer